Wednesday, February 3, 2010


From time to time I think of a succinct way to summarize a thought. Also known as...a quote. Anyhow, yeah. I'm gonna quote myself here on this blog. I don't vet them or explore too deep to see if it's already been said but truthfully, it's all been said and I don't care enough on a blog that nobody reads to sit here and claim quotes I didn't come up with. In short, it's an honest quote and if it sums up another or is's coincidence.

Anyhow, here are a couple:

"The worst thing about losing is that it puts you in no mood to learn the lesson that the moment is ostensibly supposed to be teaching you."

"The business of comedy is rarely funny."

"Comedy ends where explanation begins."

"American culture wasn't discovered until we lost it."

"Comedy is a series of well-timed, pleasant surprises."

"Life and Art imitate one another to the extent that each requires a healthy suspension of disbelief to be enjoyed."

"Life is all about knowing when to walk a fine line, when to draw a thick one, and when to cross them both."

"Guilt is proof of free will."

"There is no such thing as perfection. Everything is perfect."

"There is no force without resistance."

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Are we valid observers?

I’ve been tweaking myself lately with the notion that everything that happens is judged by the POV of the human observer. We validate only that which we have the capacity to oberve. We then place value, judgement, probability, and other limits on things and events we happen to perceive. There is a great big universe out there beyond, not only our limits of measurements, but of our capacity to conceive of…

What then are the rules, if any, in those places? If they can even be called places. We came up with time, place, naming, movement, texture...everything. We never stop to think that the rest of the universe just IS. Or IS NOT. Who cares? If I had to guess, we are aware of less than .00001 percent of any amount of observable universe.

Imagine if ants considered their entire universe as only what they can perceive. In fact, they do. In fact, they are wrong. There is music. They don’t know music. They don’t know ice cream. They don’t know sports. We, as “higher” beings, can see things that they can’t. My question is who or what can see more than us? Who out there is laughing at us for our limited ability to perceive “reality”. And who is beyond that? and that? and so on….?